Is keeping your “head down” at work “holding up” your career?

”This is a holdup!” yells the armed gunman as he waves the gun in your face and tells you to give him your valuables.

It’s common to “keep your head down” at work, attempting to stay ”below the radar,” but the most influential people aren’t invisible or trying to be.


I was passed over for promotions four times in three years and my home life was a wreck when my brother told me to stop complaining about it or do something — he’d been hearing my complaints for five years.

After reading books, taking classes, and hiring coaches, counselors, therapists, attorneys, and immersive training programs, I finally realized I’d just been going through the motions in most areas of my life.

Essentially, I realized I’d been the gunman holding up my own career by not having clear commitments and intentions in my life. I didn’t have a purpose in my life.




Dylan Cornelius, corporate freedom crusader

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